Why do I try?

It sounds so easy! Just sit at a computer and write what ever is on your mind. Be witty and original, share it will a few people, and then wait for the millions of readers to share it on social media.

Reality is, even if it’s witty and original, very few people will read and even less will share. So why even try? Seriously, I am not here to give any answers, I am asking the question.  Life feels like a string of “easy” opportunities for success and happiness, but they all require intense effort and talent that most of us do not have.

As I look back on my attempts over the last decade, i’ve tried selling real estate and cosmetics, starting an online store, creating a website and of course writing a blog. My only success, was being unsuccessful.

I know I am not alone. So instead of feeling like you have failed,  remember you are successfully unsuccessful. I’m calling it a win and moving on to my next attempt at a successful failure.


Massive beast

Gentle eyes

Drawing me in

Making me love him

Droopy ears

Big nose

Hump on his back

Curious beast

Mouth wide open



For a snack

Drop in a handful

Get a kiss

Scratch a nose

Do it all again

Waiting by the gate

Watching me leave

Hated to go

Left a piece of me

The Snitch

In the backyard

I watch the ants

Crawling over a camper shell

I pluck them up one by one

Not sure why this entertains me,

But it does.

Not the first time

I’ve passed the time

Watching them crawl.

He is here today, but

He does not want to play

The way I do.

Watching ants is not his thing.

He’d rather dig sand,

Slide or swing.

I dare not move.

He can’t let me be.

Goes inside to tattle on me.

No one likes a snitch

Can’t wait for him to leave

Today I learned my lesson

No more invites to play with me.


Only child, very bored

Playing with friends that can’t been seen.

They are all in love with me,

to them I am a queen.

They think I am the best at everything,

Amazed at how I dance and sing.

Why did they have to leave me,

What will the new phase bring?

Now more alone than before,

All of my friends can be seen.

But none worth keeping close to me

So here I sit, wishing, to be invisible.

Treasure Hunt

Tiny black tooth

Will you be missed?

Lying in a pile of ocean treasure,

Grains of sand are your blanket,

You are a rare find.

Once you had a purpose,

But you were not significant.

When you lost your place,

You were replaced in just a day.

You were one of 50, One of 300,

You were one of 50,000.

Today you are significant

Because you are my treasure.

Grains of sand

Will you be missed?

Collapsing under my feet

So soft, so silky, so warm.

You hold other treasures

But you are not significant

Until you are washed into the sea,

Only loved when you are missed.

You are a few of millions,

You are a few of billions,

Too many to count them all.

Today you are significant

Because you are my treasure.

Little white shell

Will you be missed?

Lying on the grains of sand

So pristine, so smooth,

And bleached by the sun.

You were significant once,

But now you are forgotten.

You are one of several,

One of hundreds,

One of thousands.

Today you are significant

Because you are my treasure.

I close my eyes, and

Breathe in the salty ocean breeze,

Sway to the rhythm of the waves,

And wonder;

Will I be missed?

I am one of thousands,

I am one of millions,

I am one of billions.

Today, will I be significant,

Whose treasure will I be?

by Alicia Whitaker-Stokes

Gone Fishing

A day with dad, at the lake,

Bait on line, now we wait.

Grab a soda, and a snack,

Check the bait, throw it back.

Cast the line, reel it in

Over and over, and over again.

Feel a tug, heartbeat soars

Just what we’ve, waited for!

Thrashing, putting up a fight

Crank the reel, hold on tight.

Pull up quick, or he’ll get free

Cranking faster, anxious to see

What’s on the end of my line.

Rod is bending, will it break?

Would quickly end, our special day.

Give him slack, try again

Wondering, will this fight end?

He must be huge, he pulls so hard

Steadfast, cranking one time more

I catch a glimpse, he’s getting near

Waiting, working, and now he’s here.

Dad grab the line, pulls him in

Tired arms, big ole grin

He’s a keeper, pound or so

Bass for dinner tonight.

He wanted a boy, guess I’ll do

Caught a fish, a keeper too.

Not much in common, what to do?

Just keep pretending this is fun.

by Alicia Whitaker-Stokes


Another day, another doe

Watching me, as I go

Passing by her very slow,

Closer and Closer.

Ears perked up, listening

Like a statue, standing

Eyes wide open, staring

Daring not to move.

Big brown eyes, look through me.

As she stands there, chewing

Grass while waiting, for me

To come closer.

Carefully, a step or two

Tail twitching, still not through

Another bite, more to chew

Letting me come closer.

Eyes locked, ears rotate

Casually, she turns away,

Another peek, she hesitates

Now sauntering towards home.

At the edge, she stops once more

Turning back, to be sure

Before she takes, one step more

That I’ve come closer.

By Alicia Whitaker-Stokes